package xmltree
import (
type ParseOptions struct {
Strict bool
XMLRoot func () xmlbuilder .XMLBuilder
type DirectiveParser interface {
xmlbuilder .XMLBuilder
Directive (xml .Directive , *xml .Decoder )
type ParseSettings func (s *ParseOptions )
func MustParseXML (r io .Reader , op ...ParseSettings ) tree .Node {
ret , err := ParseXML (r , op ...)
if err != nil {
panic (err )
return ret
func ParseXML (r io .Reader , op ...ParseSettings ) (tree .Node , error ) {
ov := ParseOptions {
Strict : true ,
XMLRoot : xmlele .Root ,
for _ , i := range op {
i (&ov )
dec := xml .NewDecoder (r )
dec .CharsetReader = charset .NewReaderLabel
dec .Strict = ov .Strict
ordrPos := 1
xmlTree := ov .XMLRoot ()
t , err := dec .Token ()
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if head , ok := t .(xml .ProcInst ); ok && head .Target == "xml" {
t , err = dec .Token ()
opts := xmlbuilder .BuilderOpts {
Dec : dec ,
for err == nil {
switch xt := t .(type ) {
case xml .StartElement :
setEle (&opts , xmlTree , xt , &ordrPos )
xmlTree = xmlTree .CreateNode (&opts )
case xml .CharData :
setNode (&opts , xmlTree , xt , tree .NtChd , &ordrPos )
xmlTree = xmlTree .CreateNode (&opts )
case xml .Comment :
setNode (&opts , xmlTree , xt , tree .NtComm , &ordrPos )
xmlTree = xmlTree .CreateNode (&opts )
case xml .ProcInst :
setNode (&opts , xmlTree , xt , tree .NtPi , &ordrPos )
xmlTree = xmlTree .CreateNode (&opts )
case xml .EndElement :
xmlTree = xmlTree .EndElem ()
case xml .Directive :
if dp , ok := xmlTree .(DirectiveParser ); ok {
dp .Directive (xt .Copy (), dec )
t , err = dec .Token ()
if err == io .EOF {
err = nil
return xmlTree , err
func setEle(opts *xmlbuilder .BuilderOpts , xmlTree xmlbuilder .XMLBuilder , ele xml .StartElement , ordrPos *int ) {
opts .NodePos = *ordrPos
opts .Tok = ele
opts .Attrs = opts .Attrs [0 :0 :cap (opts .Attrs )]
opts .NS = make (map [xml .Name ]string )
opts .NodeType = tree .NtElem
for i := range ele .Attr {
attr := ele .Attr [i ].Name
val := ele .Attr [i ].Value
if (attr .Local == "xmlns" && attr .Space == "" ) || attr .Space == "xmlns" {
opts .NS [attr ] = val
} else {
opts .Attrs = append (opts .Attrs , &ele .Attr [i ])
if nstree , ok := xmlTree .(tree .NSElem ); ok {
ns := make (map [xml .Name ]string )
for _ , i := range tree .BuildNS (nstree ) {
ns [i .Name ] = i .Value
for k , v := range opts .NS {
ns [k ] = v
if ns [xml .Name {Local : "xmlns" }] == "" {
delete (ns , xml .Name {Local : "xmlns" })
for k , v := range ns {
opts .NS [k ] = v
if xmlTree .GetNodeType () == tree .NtRoot {
opts .NS [xml .Name {Space : "xmlns" , Local : "xml" }] = tree .XMLSpace
opts .AttrStartPos = len (opts .NS ) + len (opts .Attrs ) + *ordrPos
*ordrPos = opts .AttrStartPos + 1
func setNode(opts *xmlbuilder .BuilderOpts , xmlTree xmlbuilder .XMLBuilder , tok xml .Token , nt tree .NodeType , ordrPos *int ) {
opts .Tok = xml .CopyToken (tok )
opts .NodeType = nt
opts .NodePos = *ordrPos
*ordrPos ++
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